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Gamification Master - Certification
Gamification Master - Certification

Fri, Sep 16



Gamification Master - Certification

Since gamification increases learners' engagement, awareness, and productivity, it also improves your organization's performance. Finally, we can say, with conviction, that playing really is good for business. We will make sure you are on top of the Game.

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Time & Location

Sep 16, 2022, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT


About the session

Gamification is no longer a buzzword. Since the term was first coined in 2003, it has continued to grow in prominence. In fact, if you examine the hard data, it suggests that gamification trends have now crossed over into the mainstream.

But first of all, what is gamification? Gamification is the application of game-inspired design and mechanics into a non-gaming environment. Its purpose is to increase motivation and engagement levels for users, drive behaviour change and achieve specific goals.

Today, companies worldwide are now using it to great effect to enhance user engagement and productivity.

In fact, 85% of employees are shown to be more engaged when gamification solutions are applied to their workplace.

Furthermore, as gamification-focused learning technology experts, we are delighted to see that 90% of survey respondents believe that gamified learning solutions are effective. There are also many examples of businesses that have gamified their processes and have seen impressive results.

As such, the results speak for themselves. Over 54% of new hires report being highly productive after undergoing a gamified training programme. Participants are also found to score 14 points higher in skill assessment tests compared to others.

One good example would be the case of Domino’s Pizza, one of the world’s most popular pizza chains. In 2015, the company gamified its recruitment and upskilling processes by launching Pizza Hero.

This is a mobile app packed with gamified elements such as a leaderboard and rewards. The initiative proved to be a roaring success. The release of the app increased sales by as much as 30%.

Forget to be a TOP Employer without Gamification or join us to learn the best tools and methods we've collected from around the globe! Stay on top of the GAME. 


  • Gamification Master

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